Saturday, November 28, 2009

Zi8 on button glows when off

I noticed that the power button on the side of the Kodak Zi8 glows when off. Its just a tiny glow, but you can see it in a fully dark room. At first I thought it was side illumination leaking into the case, but not so in a fully darken room. Could this be wasting power as it sits in the "off" position? What the purpose of allowing the led to light? Could I have a leaky transistor lighting up the led?


Watson aName said...

Maybe it is the capacitor in the flash circuit slowly discharging back through the supply or through the LED. The only way to solve this mystery is to open it up and trace down the circuit. ;-)

james said...

Firmware upgrade 1.03 to 1.05 right away. W/o upgrade image is shaky, mic stinks, & won't support 32MB SD. On Mac upgrade is tedious. Tech support is LOUSY. Once you get it upgraded, included software still won't work with Mac. iMovie workarounds.

carte r4i

Botronics said...

Watson, the Zi8 does not have a flash. Anyway I got a year before the warranty expires. I'll see what other bugs come up

aeiou260199038 said...

I'll see what other bugs come upRolex watches