I play live recordings of the harp on my station and update every few days. The recordings get better as I improve the recording technique. When planes and helicopters fly overhead, the strings resonate and make some interesting effects. Other effects can be caused by insects landing on the strings or birds pecking at them. The strings will also react to loud nearby noises, tree branches swaying against the structure, cats jumping on the roof, trains blowing the horn.
The electronics used to amplify the tiny signals from the pickups, are solar powered and have rechargeable batteries for backup power at night.
Just about all the files can be downloaded at my files storage site. 45 files at the date of this writing. With the rainy season coming, many more interesting recordings are to be made.
Remember to tune in my station and "listen to the wind" in a whole new way.
Photo of the 4 string wind harp on my shed. To the left are the solar garden lights that power the harp. Sounds are picked up from the two center strings by magnetic sensors. The two outer strings transmit their vibrations through the supporting frame. To protect from the rain, I throw a plastic cup over the coil assembly.
What a great project! I really enjoyed the Great Baystorm recording.
I found your site via instructables.
I am amazed at the sound you collect from the wind. I am listening to your live broadcast, how soothing. How wonderfully soothing it is.
thank you.
The sounds coming from the harp are amazing. Really relaxing. Thanks for making this available.
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